Facilitation by Honoré Daniël
Are you struggling with something? Sometimes you just need a sharp outside perspective. With Facilitation, Honoré offers you a flexible solution where you pay per minute - no long-term processes, just direct help when you need it.
In this online one-on-one call, Honoré can quickly get to the heart of the matter. Whether you are struggling with a difficult decision, stuck in a situation, or just want to spar - Honoré brings it to light in a simple way. Thanks to Honoré's years of experience, he can not only help you clarify the problem, but he also gives you practical tools to continue with it yourself.
The beauty of this approach? You decide how long it takes. No fixed trajectories or obligations - just support when you need it. Perfect for those who can use a little support every now and then.
Want to know more about this service? Check out the Facilitation Information page here
You can determine how long you want to book a facilitation. The rate is: €12.50 per 5 minutes. The minimum purchase: 15 minutes