Access Consciousness® is a holistic approach to personal growth, well-being and consciousness, which emerged from the work of Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer in the early 1990s. Their vision offers a unique perspective on human potential and consciousness development.

The core of Access Consciousness® rests on the foundation that consciousness is the key to change and growth. The premise is clear: you are not wrong, you know what you know, and consciousness can transform everything. Strengthening awareness and expanding awareness is central.

Consciousness takes on a specific meaning in Access Consciousness®: the ability to be fully present at any given moment, without judgment of yourself or others. It is about receiving everything, rejecting nothing, and creating what you desire – beyond your current reality and beyond your imagination.

Body processing

Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer developed the Access Body Processes to transform your relationship with your body. Your body holds projections, thoughts, feelings and emotions, which can lead to blockages. By using the body as a key, over a hundred body processes – including Access Bars – offer a path to more freedom.

Verbal processing

Many life changes can affect the cognitive and logical levels; they are held by energy in words. Access Consciousness® releases this energy, similar to defragmenting a computer, making space for new choices. Think of your computer's hard drive: over time, files become fragmented - they are stored in bits and pieces all over the drive. This slows down your system. Defragmentation neatly organizes these scattered bits, allowing your computer to work efficiently again. In a similar way, emotions and experiences can become 'fragmented' in our system. Access Consciousness® uses targeted techniques, such as the Access Clearing Statement, to clear this disruption. The result? More mental space and clarity for new choices.

Approaching life through questions is also a core principle. By asking questions like "What else is possible?" or "What is it about this that I am still willing to see?" you expand your awareness and open new paths.

What if a life full of infinite possibilities was within reach?

Access Consciousness® scientifically proven

Access Consciousness® offers practical tools with measurable results. Its effectiveness is scientifically substantiated: international studies show that techniques such as Access Bars® bring about measurable changes in brain activity, comparable to deep meditative states. These changes translate into concrete improvements in daily life - from better sleep to increased productivity at work. Participants also report significant relief from complaints such as depression, anxiety, migraine and burnout.

By Honoré Daniël welcomes you to get acquainted with this proven method. Discover during one of our free introductory workshops how these techniques can make a difference for you too. For those looking for more depth, we offer individual sessions and extensive training.

What if a life full of infinite possibilities was within reach?

Discover the range of introductory workshops, individual sessions and in-depth training courses or register directly for a free session.

Next FREE workshop: The Bookclub by Honoré Daniël - Being You

Curious? Why not just give it a try? We start on January 6, 2025 at 7:30 PM









January 6, 2025 starts at 7:30 PM