Talk to the Animals - A Deeper Connection with Your Dog
Are you ready to understand your dog better and grow together? Do you feel that restlessness in your faithful four-legged friend, but you do not know how to work on this? In this blog I will take you along in the story of Max and his path to inner peace, but possibly also your path to a deeper bond with your dog.
The Hidden Language of Fear
When your dog struggles with anxiety, it often tells a deeper story. Just like with people, anxiety doesn’t just fall out of the sky. It can stem from:
- Limited exposure to the world during puppyhood - think little contact with other dogs or new situations
- Painful experiences from the past that still resonate
- The natural sensitivity that some breeds, such as Border Collies and German Shepherds, carry
- Unexpected turns in life, such as a move or expanding the family
- Overwhelming stimuli such as the sound of fireworks or thunder
Max's Journey to Trust
Max came into our lives as a Labrador who had lost his way. You could see the unrest in his eyes, his body language spoke of distrust. His previous family, despite their best intentions, had not been able to provide what he needed to feel safe.
The breakthrough came when we started working with Suzy Godsey on the clearing statement of Access Consciousness. This approach goes beyond traditional behavioral work - it touches the core of emotional blockages. By not only looking at the visible behavior, but also welcoming and transforming the underlying energy, space was created for Max to rediscover himself.
Your Invitation to Transformation
Do you feel that more is possible in the relationship with your dog? Do you want to learn to communicate on a level that goes beyond words? On January 8th I am organizing an online introduction to Talk to The Animals. An invitation to discover the deeper layers of communication with your animal.
Are you curious about what is possible? Why not just give it a try? Book your participation in the free intro evening here .
What are your experiences with an anxious dog? Share your story - every journey is unique and valuable.