Who am I

Skills to Strip

Hiermee brengen we je naar een leven waarin ruimte is voor vrijheid en vertrouwen.


Vanuit welke realiteit leg jij verbinding met jou zelf en anderen?


Is jouw lichaam het instrument dat voor jou een kompas is?

Embodier of Living

Embodiment is our connection with our body, other bodies and the earth. As soon as there is a connection, there is a knowing, openness and communication. As soon as we meet disconnection, there is uncertainty, reserve, a contraction. Within a relationship, whether this is with yourself, your body, somebody else, workrelated or a project, we tend to judge everything that does not run smoothly, blocks or in which we experience opposition. We distance ourselves from the other one or from ourselves by the judgments we then experience. Judgments become decisions and conclusions from where we act on further, think and feel which causes a contraction in our body and life. Honoré takes you back to the connection which honors you and your body and softens the contraction. Honoré uses courses in which as well your body, your mind and your awareness come together. During courses we soften your current reality, through which a connection will start with new possibilities.

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Are you completely in connection with your body? Is your body the instrument which works as a compass for you?

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Everything you experience and perceive is your reality. From which reality do you make a connection with yourself and others?

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The more conscious (being present) we are, the more knowledge we are able to use in our own life. Exactly this wil give more autonomy. What if you function from this autonomity?

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“Belichaming is onze verbinding met ons lichaam, andere lichamen en de aarde.”